wreh, trump doesn't do anything with finesse. He's literally going to suggest it openly. First on twitter just to get ppl all worked up. There's going to be an entire week of people's heads exploding at the thought. Right wing will pick up their cue and respond "we don't think that will be necessary...i think we're getting ahead of ourselves." He will continue to hamstring a proper response until eventually you'll see cities/states moving on their own (using tests that everyone knows are reliable without CDC/Fed approval). Then there will be huge federal effort at testing etc which will show that literally everyone has been exposed. While all of this is happening eventually the lemming media, especially those who like to consider themselves "above the fray" will start asking if delaying the election doesn't make sense..."just bc trump is suggesting it, it doesnt mean its a bad idea.......the election will not be legitimate if millions are unable/unwilling to vote!!'