Trump vs Iran: 7/25 - Threatens Iran on Twitter after Rouhani cautions US of hostile policies


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
‘Tweet of Mass Destruction’ ratchets up tension on Iran

The Trump administration's ultimate goal is regime change in Tehran, but was this just a distraction from the 'treason' in Helsinki as US Mid-Term elections loom? Or did he just want to destabilize the Eurasian giants and their New Silk Roads?
By PEPE ESCOBAR JULY 24, 2018 6:15 PM (UTC+8)

Iranians burn an image of US President Donald Trump during an anti-US demonstration outside the former US embassy headquarters in the capital Tehran on May 9, 2018. Photo: AFP/Atta Kenare

President Trump’s late-night, all-caps Tweet of Mass Destruction threatening Iran is bound to be enshrined in the Art of Diplomacy annals.

But let’s go back to how this all started. After unilaterally pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, the Trump administration has issued what amounts to a declaration of economic war on Iran and will go no holds barred to squeeze the Islamic Republic out of the global oil market – complete with threatening allies in Europe with secondary sanctions, unless they cut all imports of Iranian oil by November 4.

This past weekend, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said he would support blocking all Middle East oil exports through the Strait of Hormuz if Iran’s European trade partners succumb to pressure from Washington and stop buying Iranian oil altogether.

Then President Hassan Rouhani followed Khamenei and warned the US about “playing with the lion’s tail.”

Rouhani, as his record attests, has always behaved as the epitome of cool diplomacy. Contrary to predictable US media spin, he never “threatened” to attack the US. His premise was that Tehran was pleased to offer Washington the “mother of all peace.” But if Trump instead decided to attack Iran, then (italics mine) that would open the way to the Mother of all Wars.

Ultimate goal: Regime change
The fact remains that the Trump administration ditched a UN-sponsored multilateral treaty and has now launched serious covert ops with the ultimate goal of regime change in Iran.

Trump’s explosion of rage, coupled with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s touting of the interests of “the long-ignored voice of the Iranian people” has been met with derision and scorn all across Iran.

Geopolitically, Russia-Iran relations remain extremely solid, as shown by the recent meeting between President Putin and Khamenei’s top foreign policy adviser Ali Akbar Velayati. As Professor Mohammad Marandi at the University of Tehran told me: “The Putin-Velayati meeting went very well. Velayati plans to go to Beijing in a few weeks. People in Iran hate Trump, and all political parties and factions have become much more united. Rouhani’s speech was widely watched and very well received.”

Khamenei and Rouhani are on the same page – and that’s very significant in itself. They now agree any negotiation with Washington is futile. Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif provided the coup de grace, tweeting that Iran had lasted millennia and had seen many empires fall. He wrapped up with an all-caps Trumpism: “BE CAUTIOUS!”

The whole soap opera is ridden with pathetic overtones as US “experts” posing as extras digress that there are only two outcomes left for Iran: capitulation or implosion of the “regime”.

Anyone claiming Tehran will capitulate shows an utter ignorance of the overall mood of defiance and scorn among the Iranian people, even as they are faced with massive economic hardship. And anyone stating there will be regime change in Tehran basically parrots a US “policy” that is just wishful thinking.

The US neo-conservatives that brought the world the failed, multi-trillion-dollar Iraq war should have been buried not six feet, but six miles under. Yet, like the Walking Dead, they will never give up.

But, in the Middle East, at the moment there are three characters who are singin’ and dancin’ like everything is going according to plan: Saudi Arabia’s Mohamed Bin Salman (MBS), his mentor, the United Arab Emirates’ Mohamed bin Zayed, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Surely they are not heeding the expert advice of former Mossad head Meir Dagan, who stated that a military attack on Iran was “the stupidest thing I have ever heard.”

Deliberate distraction?
It’s always possible that Trump’s all-caps spectacular may be a ruse to distract Americans from the Helsinki “treason” scandal. That gets traction when associated to the looming mid-term elections and Trump’s absolute need to sound tough and keep the Republicans in line. Call it a brilliant Trump strategic maneuver. Or was it Putin’s?

Back to reality, the stark options would come down to either Iran becoming a US satellite or closing the Strait of Hormuz – something that for all practical purposes would collapse the global economy.

I have been assured that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has the technological means to block the Strait and would not flinch to go for it rather than yield, if the going gets tough. President Rouhani cannot resist the IRGC. The Trump administration has, in fact, forced Rouhani to show his cards. All branches of the Iranian government are now united.

War hysteria, already on, is extremely irresponsible. In the worst Strait of Hormuz scenario, the US Navy would be impotent, as Russian-made SS-N-22 Sunburn missiles could wreak havoc. Washington could only bomb from Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar or Incirlik in Turkey. Neither Qatar nor Turkey is inclined to antagonize Iran.

The Pentagon would have to bomb coastal missile sites on Iran’s Persian Gulf shoreline. But these are heavily camouflaged; missiles are portable, and there’s no reliable on the ground intel. Iran only needs to fire one missile at a time. No oil tanker would possibly try to get through.

Things don’t even need to degrade towards a shooting war. All Tehran needs to do is to make the threat credible. Insurance companies would stop insuring oil carriers. No oil carrier will navigate without insurance.

Breaking Russia-China-Iran
The geopolitical game is even more complex. Velayati was in Moscow only a few days before Helsinki. Diplomatic sources say Iran and Russia are in synch – and closely coordinating policy. If the current strategy of tension persists, it raises the price of oil, which is good for both Russia and Iran.

And then there’s China. A tsunami of sanctions or not, Beijing is more likely to increase oil imports from Iran. “Experts” who claim that Iran is becoming a pawn of Russia and China are hopelessly myopic. Russia, China and Iran are already firmly aligned.

Short of war, the Trump administration’s top priority is disruption of the New Silk Roads – the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) – between China and Europe. And the key economic connectivity corridor goes across Iran.

The fundamental “enemy” is China. But to make any divide-and-rule plan work, first, there’s got to be an attempt to lure Russia into some sort of entente cordiale. And in parallel, Persian destabilization is a must. After all, that’s what the Cheney regime used to describe as “the great prize”.


May 10, 2012
the US struggled against Arab irregulars in Iraq and have struggled mightily against the Taliban, why you would take on the Persisans and Hezbollah who are hundred times more competent as a military force :scust::scust::scust::scust:


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
the US struggled against Arab irregulars in Iraq and have struggled mightily against the Taliban, why you would take on the Persisans and Hezbollah who are hundred times more competent as a military force :scust::scust::scust::scust:
The scary thing is Bolton,Pompeo,Cotton all downplay a war with Iran. They think it will be quick and easy in a few weeks. This is why they are more emboldened. Mattis thinks differently:

But condemning Iran and pushing for a war with it are two different things. Back in 2011, when Mattis served as the head of the U.S. Central Command, he sat silently through a detailed PowerPoint briefing on how the U.S. Navy planned to pummel the Islamic Republic with swarms of carrier-based F/A-18 Hornets, but he dismissed its airy optimism. “I don’t buy it,” he told an aide, then ordered a new assessment. Mattis’s anxiety has increased in the intervening years, senior military officers say, particularly since he’s become secretary of defense — and since the appointment of Bolton, whose arrival at the White House has coincided with his own marginalization in Trump’s national security decision-making.


Aug 5, 2015
Trump is a time traveller and tried to tell us of the shyt he’ll do so we would stop him. :mjlit:


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012


I’ve been discussing Iran with some top independent analysts in both US and Russia. Here’s the lowdown.

In theory, the US “only” wants to change Iranian “behavior” in the Middle East, not regime change. That’s what Mattis is saying. Nonsense. That’s pure diversionist tactics.

Washington is all out on forging an “Arab NATO” involving six GCC minions, Egypt and Jordan to “contain” Iran. This thing – called the Middle East Strategic Alliance – should become official at a summit in Washington in mid-October.

If we get to the point of the Strait of Hormuz being closed next November there’s no doubt Iran would not blink to purchase nuclear missiles on the black market. I stressed that in my latest column.

The current spin on the CIA threat of striking Iran’s nuclear facilities is simply pathetic. They don't even know where they are.

Russia has to draw the red line for war on Iran. After all, Moscow knows that after Iran the industrial-military-intel-financial complex would go after Russia by cutting Moscow from both CHIPS and SWIFT.

The Kremlin likes Trump - but they know he is helpless. Russia, China and Iran could soon develop a deep united front - as in military alliances. Russia has the most advanced missiles - defensive and offensive - in the world and the most advanced submarines to sweep the seas. Anyone in the Pentagon believing the US can prevail in any scenario is delusional.

Roosevelt did the same thing with Japan that the US is now doing to Iran. Washington laid out terms of surrender after cutting off Japan’s oil; no nation in the world would have accepted such a humiliation. The US wanted war then. The question is how united is the War Front now.


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
I swear the world would of been so much better without Europe Russia America the past 300 to 200 years. America is at fault for Iran issues and regime today.

Afghanistan was like Iran in the 50s then here comes Russia and America

Middle East in general
South America
Africa countries

These cacs gotta go :camby:

Iran will start world war 3 because it will cause a domino effect.

China will invade Taiwan
India and Pakistan will go at it
China and the entire sea area will affect Japan and others
North Korea
Iran shutting down the strait
Oil prices skyrocket
Russia will invade NATO allies
Israel get bombed the fukk out and Saudi Arabia
Qatar and Saudis


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015

This what I have been saying for months now. Trump,Pompeo,Bolton want to apply economic pressure on Iran to force them to leave the nuclear deal and restart their nuclear program so they have an excuse to bomb Iran. However the big flaw and dangerous flaw is that they think a war with Iran is going to be a walk in the park,and that once they bomb Iran everything will be sweet and gravy. In all the biggest problem with all of this is that it will take months to prepare for a war with Iran. My best bet is Iran will strike first as that is in their advantage. Think Millennium Challenge on steroids. Any unilateral war with Iran will destory American credibility and power in the region. It will be a Suez moment for the US.


Spontaneous Mishaps and Hijinks
Jul 2, 2012
This what I have been saying for months now. Trump,Pompeo,Bolton want to apply economic pressure on Iran to force them to leave the nuclear deal and restart their nuclear program so they have an excuse to bomb Iran. However the big flaw and dangerous flaw is that they think a war with Iran is going to be a walk in the park,and that once they bomb Iran everything will be sweet and gravy. In all the biggest problem with all of this is that it will take months to prepare for a war with Iran. My best bet is Iran will strike first as that is in their advantage. Think Millennium Challenge on steroids. Any unilateral war with Iran will destory American credibility and power in the region. It will be a Suez moment for the US.
The rest of the world isn’t going to put sanctions on Iran.


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
The rest of the world isn’t going to put sanctions on Iran.
They arenst however US sanctions still sting and not to mention Trump is going as far as passing secondary sanctions to European businesses. Iran will still be able to sell their oil to China,India and most Asian nations. However they will say if they can sell their oil to those countries regardless they stay in or out the nuclear deal. Iran will say “What is the point in staying in this intrusive nuclear deal and following the deal while we are not reaping the full economic benefits we were promised?”
They then will restart their nuclear program.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
They arenst however US sanctions still sting and not to mention Trump is going as far as passing secondary sanctions to European businesses. Iran will still be able to sell their oil to China,India and most Asian nations. However they will say if they can sell their oil to those countries regardless they stay in or out the nuclear deal. Iran will say “What is the point in staying in this intrusive nuclear deal and following the deal while we are not reaping the full economic benefits we were promised?”
They then will restart their nuclear program.

Turkey is hedging their bets the US won't dare sanction them.. Erdogan and his foreign minister keep saying eff off :mjlol: