This nikka broke it down to street jigga terms
my thing has always been how do they find the assassins willing to pull off such hits?
Like dude who killed MLK, die in prison…what was there to gain?
America is the number 1 producer of mentally unstable civilian marksmen. It isn't hard to find a crazy racist who likes shooting as much as he hates black people. Those types tend to be morons too, so it's very easy to send someone undercover to goad them into doing it.
They literally still do this with mentally challenged and young Muslims. When they do it today, they usually stop the person before he commits the crime. As you can see, it's very easy for them to just not stop the person and let them do it after spending months egging them on.
What he stands to gain is being the white man that "took his country back" from a "domestic terrorist" who is making the black people get uppity and "forget their place". Doubly so if the undercover agent claims to have contacts in law enforcement who will protect him if he gets caught. That good ol boy network had a lot more pull back in those days.
With Oswald, the assumption is he gets a huge payday(he had a wife and child it was hard getting work if it was known that you voluntarily visited the Soviet union as a civilian. Nobody wanted a "secret communist" working for them) it's easy to believe that a financially desperate disgraced veteran would take a serious risk like that if he knows that even if he dies or goes to jail, his family is taken care of.