Who gives a fukk. Liz Cheney is against Trump so making sure Trump doesn't get back in office was the main goal.
And despite that Kamala ran a campaign on bringing people together, policies that would help small business owners, first time home buyers and going after these greedy ass corporations who are jacking prices skyward. She ran on keeping democracy at the forefront of this country, so that we can continue to have our rights and not gradually have have rights taken away.
Now contrast that to Trump who was all about a revenge tour, deporting immigrants and maintaining white supremacy in this country. And you're saying his messaging was better than hers? No you bought that shyt or agree with that shyt, don't try to act like Trump was some genius or something. He was sucking dikk on the fukking stage and holding Nazi rallies in the world's most famous arena.
If that's what was more intriguing to you then you're just like the racist motherfukkers who it was intended to get to the ballot box.
Most Americans dont give a damn about Democracy or Jan 6th

Kamala pissed off arabs,pissed off jews,pissed off Christians who saw and believed those tranny prisoner ads lol. Im sure she pissed off some cacs with those so called agendas for black men and latinos. And last but not least, alot of black people wasnt rocking with her for a variety of reasons.
And of course pissing off everyone with the current inflation. Never bothering to throw Biden under the bus and saying what she wouldve done differently. Saying what your going to do while youve already been in office and couldve attempted to do ,didnt sit well with alot of people. Only way that couldve went over is if she blamed Joe. I wouldve had a speech saying ive been shackled by Joe,but there will be a new a Sherriff in town. We wouldve had shirts printed up that said "I Aint Joe!"

Then all you have to do is ask did Trump run a good campaign for his base. Well? Did he troll and was he racist and showing preference to whites?. Didnt seem like they were asking for much else.
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