C L O N E*0690//////
world ends by the weekend¿*
Here's what Trumps base thinks of black people. They're already doing all they can to stir the pot.1. Who is they? 2. I'm an American 3. I'm not a criminal.
Those "criminals" be working damn near for free on some of those industries. The real reason why most countries don't deal with illegals is because they can get slaved out for some timeHow would deporting criminals affect food prices?
Yeah take advantage of the jobs this illegals did almost for free. Also start looking for black companies when you want to fix things in your house. No more cheap work from papis
Black people stay your nosey asses out these people business and take advantage when these motherfukkers get kicked out
Start stocking up thenIf they do what they say they are going to do. Food prices will go up.
No, my idea is for them to be dropped off back where they crossed and not let back in. They can walk back to their country just like they walked here. Mexico let them through, Mexico can let them back through home.