I hope that when Trump is out of office (whether he's gets impeached & removed or is voted out in 2020) that:
*Democratic politicians and Democratic voters don't fall asleep again and think that "everything is normal again". F*ck no. Even if Trump is gone, that doesn't mean that the people who supported him all of a sudden disappeared. Democratic voters HAVE to make sure that they show up in EVERY election, not just Presidential elections. If Democratic voters don't show up in the 2022 midterms and allow Republicans to take back one or both houses of Congress (assuming Dems gain control of the Senate in 2020), then this country deserves to be destroyed by the GOP.
*We better not let Republicans, especially Congressional Republicans, off the hook for supporting Trump. Trump became President BECAUSE of the Republican Party not in spite of it. They were 100% complicit in his Presidency and we must never allow them to distance themselves from Trump. The Republicans own responsibility for Donald Trump's abhorrent presidency FOREVER. We must NEVER let them forget that.