@88m3 @ADevilYouKhow @wire28 @dtownreppin214
@dza @wire28 @BigMoneyGrip @Dameon Farrow @re'up @Blackfyre @NY's #1 Draft Pick @Skyfall @2Quik4UHoes
If you were to tell anyone 10 years ago, or 20, or 30, that Donald Trump is president and he and Rudy Giuliani are on the forefront of a international foreign policy scandal that could lead to criminal charges and impeachment, they'd have you committed.
That's all that's needed, constant pressure, eventually the shady powers realise there is too much heat and cut their losses leaving Trump exposed even more. This is what impeachment can accomplish.I hope the media keep applying the full court press. At least shine the light on the cowards and get them juelzing on wax.
Besides Nikki Haley I can't think of anyone who qualifies.Lol. Just saying that the first rats that jumped off the ship are going to thrive when this all shakes out.
News gets worse and worse for Giuliani. Hope he kept those tapes like Cohen did lol
This whole presidency has been like a badly written thriller novel.
Down to the names of the goons arrested today.
Igor? Really? The only way it could be cheesier if his name was Boris or Ivan.