This is a slippery slop logical fallacy. Something simply existing means absolutely nothing, you nasty bigot. It definitely doesn't mean, like you claimed, it will become acceptable in "20" years, you lying bigot. You are spreading nothing but MAGA myths, which makes you no better than anyone else.
I took 5 minutes (because your bigoted posts are plentiful) to point out your hypocrisy, and to knock your lying ass down from your soapbox, by highlighting that you are no better than the people you're trying to call out.
You don't have any credibility. You're a bigot no different from the average MAGA. And you are a liar who goes back and deletes the post that expose you as pretending to be something you're not.
This bleeding heart shtick rings hollow when you actively contribute to the cesspool.
Again, you said this:
"why are we always seeking justice for others" and now you're in here try to chastise others for following your lead.