Trump Has Tested Positive for COVID-19: About to Start Handing out Rona this Weekend


Flat Girther
May 2, 2012
Flint, Michigan
just put the first one into google translate

Your family will shed your blood because of your actions. They will feel eternal pain for your actions. The tears they shed will turn into blood, the pain they feel will be unbearable. Soon you will be alone, all of you

aremenians going hard in the paint


The official Chaplain of the Coli
May 18, 2012
This was bound to happen. The virus doesnt care who you are. Perhaps now this clown will take the virus seriously. Thats really all I care about.
And you know if there was some preventive medicine that they haven't give to the public he would have it. Just wanna see how his stans react


Flat Girther
May 2, 2012
Flint, Michigan


Dec 11, 2015
-Called the virus a hoax.
-Made fun of Biden multiple times for wearing masks.
-Put political pressure on the CDC to edit/downplay/alter health guidelines and documents to suit his political purpose of downplaying the virus
-Put political pressure on the FDA to promote and examine hydroxychloroquine, which was eventually labeled an unproven drug that doesn't do shyt.
-Someone died taking hydroxychloroquine because Trump was promoting it.
-Advertised quack doctors who promoted medical conspiracy theories and said masks don't help contain the virus.
-shyt on Fauci, the leading disease expert since the 80's multiple times.
-Said the virus would be over when the warm weather hit.
-Said "He don't take responsibility at all" regarding coronavirus.
-Wanted states to open back up by Easter to appeal to his bigot white christian base.
-Said maybe we can cure the virus by injecting disinfectant into our bodies.
-Pressured Republican Governors to open states early without having real guidelines in place, which resulted in virus outbreaks and deaths. (That includes pressuring Kemp in Georgia, then throwing him under the bus and making him take full blame when shyt hit the fan)
-Got mad that Governors weren't opening states as fast as he wanted and said as President, his authority was "total", and that he could override the Governors and open the states. (Which he can't.)
-Did a ban on China, yet 40,000 Chinese people still came while not realizing the virus was coming from Europe. By the time he did a ban over there it was too late.
-Did almost every single action 1 month or 2 months late such as banning travel/halting immigration/using the defense production act to mass produce medical supplies, getting states help, etc
-Didn't have a federal plan to control the virus (and still don't) and wanted state Governors to take the blame so that he wouldn't be hurt politically while he can blame Democratic Governors for poor leadership.
-Sent thousands of medical supplies to China not realizing the virus was about to come to the US.
-Didn't read intel briefings on the severity of the virus.
-When the Health & Human Services called and wanted to talk about the virus before it hit us, Trump cut him off and wanted to talk about vaping.
-Trump administration/federal government was out bidding state governments for medical supplies which led to state governments competing against each other and having trouble getting supplies, while at the same time the federal government wasn't giving those supplies to the states. As Jared Kushner said like a 5 year old kid, its our stockpole and its not for the states!
-When white supremacists stormed the Michigan state capital building with armed weapons while Gov. Big Gretch was there and basically put her life in danger over the coronavirus lockdown restrictions Trump says maybe she needs to compromise with them, and tweets LIBERATE MICHIGAN.
-Admitted to knowing about the severity of the virus on tape while in public he was downplaying it, admitted to downplaying the virus on tape because he didn't want to put people in a panic WHILE PEOPLE WERE fukkING DYING.
-Did not pay much attention in virus task force meetings where critical knowledge was shared, did not care about the science, only gave a shyt about his re-election and the stock market, as has been reported and said by people who left the administration.
-Ignored CDC guidelines since June by holding numerous crowded MAGA rallies around the United States where many weren't wearing masks, and common wisdom is that it may be the reason Herman Cain died.

And now he has the virus. Coming back full circle. Couldn't happen to a worse guy where 200,000+ people are dead his watch. Millions got sick and recovered. fukk him.