Trump Has Tested Positive for COVID-19: About to Start Handing out Rona this Weekend

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
The irony is that John Mccain said no:camby: to ending AHC and ended up dying just to make sure folks continue to have tolerable health insurance, yet this big neck bubble bass ass fukk of a president still wanted to put a end to "Obamacare" because "gasps" a black man made a fool proof plan that not only benefits low income folks, but actually benefitting the same supporters that want this exact black man to be hung to the fukking cross. Now look at him, doing the ole wheeze wheeze cough game waiting on the bald dude in the shades and trench coat to see him off to the crossroads :unimpressed:
its crazy how some of these cacs dont even know that AHC is obamacare.

they literally were like 'we need to dismantle obamacare' in the same sentence 'do you have the affordable healthcare act' "of course me and my wife and mother have it' thinking its medicaid. and then the reporters is like 'that is obamacare' the shock on their face. they just wanted to get rid of it cause of the name alone ....its attached to a black man. you stupid fukk. man tried to give you free healthcare and because hes black your grandma now has to pay $100 mandatory ......which is what the republicans added to the bill, to dirt him or cause they are bought by private insurance. its insane. if it were the initial proposal.....we'd all have free healthcare like the NHS. it was them that made it 'if you make a certain amount a month you have to pay min." but the first bill was literally a reflection of NHS. thats why folks are hoping corona ravishes them all. they are evil.

orange man is at walter reed getting the best healthcare money can buy tho. thats ya mans. aite. corona aint playing politics tho.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Okay the way I see it, when it comes to The President Health, The Union always protect the President so they going to send out mis information because They don't want enemies know their moves and US is without a President because there's have to be a Chain of Command, look how they hid FDR being crippled, they hid Ronald Regan Alzheimer's.

Two things I see, Trump died already or they know he's on his way out, that's why Nancy Pelosi and Pence took the Covid-19 test and Pelosi ain't signed the Coronavirus stimulus because they getting ready to do a transfer of power

If that happens it changes the Game, Pence is getting Trump MAGA, he going to get all Republicans Including Rhinos, he going to get the Independents and Moderates sympathy votes

Americans get Emotional when a President dies doesn't matter if it's a Democrat or Republican, The Nation Mourns and If that happens it's Wrap Pence is going to win

Y'all wishing this Man Death and you don't want that.

Pence is worst than Trump and even I would vote for Biden against Pence

Y'all kids really don't know and think this shyt is a game. Y'all don't want this because Biden is not going to win if Trump dies

Stop defending Trump. No point on defending a two-faced liar when he is going to croak any time now.

And when (yes, when) Trump dies, no one going to a Mike Pence rally with his monotone voice.

Blessed Koala

Climbing the Pulpit
Jan 2, 2017
its crazy how some of these cacs dont even know that AHC is obamacare.

they literally were like 'we need to dismantle obamacare' in the same sentence 'do you have the affordable healthcare act' "of course me and my wife and mother have it' thinking its medicaid. and then the reporters is like 'that is obamacare' the shock on their face. they just wanted to get rid of it cause of the name alone ....its attached to a black man. you stupid fukk. man tried to give you free healthcare and because hes black your grandma now has to pay $100 mandatory ......which is what the republicans added to the bill, to dirt him or cause they are bought by private insurance. its insane. if it were the initial proposal.....we'd all have free healthcare like the NHS. it was them that made it 'if you make a certain amount a month you have to pay min." but the first bill was literally a reflection of NHS. thats why folks are hoping corona ravishes them all. they are evil.

orange man is at walter reed getting the best healthcare money can buy tho. thats ya mans. aite. corona aint playing politics tho.

Dude, I remember crying like a baby because the AHC became the law of the land after numerous times trying to find healthcare without dealing with the "pre existing" bullshyt and swimming in debt. I remember it was like yesterday begging a clinic nurse to give me my meds despite the cost because it was so hard to actually get healthcare in damn Georgia. I remember trying to get medicaid and basically pleading to the judge that I didn't want this, I just want to find a job so I can be able to get healthcare so I won't fukking die (Crohn's disease)

The fact that Trump and his idiot fanbase want to dismantle something that's beneficial to this country because the "black man" did it is fukking pathetic. I'm a strong believer in God and barely wish death upon anybody but there is a special place in hell for Trump and his idiotic supporters. If you have that much malice intent in your blood over humanity and a man you will never meet in your life, you should not be breathing the air among us :francis:


What you looking at?
Nov 30, 2015
