Nkrumah Was Right
About that…
At the end of the day, White people are going to ensure that White power doesn’t end. Folks can be disappointed in Whites who voted for Trump, but they inherently know they will suffer the least while reaping the benefits, so it’s expected that they will side with their race. White women are number 2 in the current power structure. Why would they give that up?
Folks get upset with other “People of Color” because they don’t realize they will eventually get used and fukked over by Whites. What we have to fully understand is that others drink the White man’s koolaid and assume that if they align themselves with him, they will avoid the treatment that we receive.
They about to learn. The problem is we all about to get fukked over because these fools didn’t think Trump’s policies would affect them.
Arab Americans already learned that lesson.
Did you know that Arab Americans were majority Republican voters before George W Bush’s Islamophobic surveillance, extraordinary rendition, Iraq War?
They became Democrats in 2004 because they believed Democrat lies about equality and anti racism - that was before Democrats gave tens of billions of dollars and bombs to commit genocide in Palestine.