Trump flirts with American economic collapse: suggests some US Treasury bonds might be cancelled 🤣


Mar 11, 2022
for yall that aint paying attention, the goal is to collapse the economy so that the corporations and wealthy can go and buy all the properties, businesses, and labor (literally anyone that has a job/career) for cheap. and then sell all of that off to foreign entities who may be interested (russia, china, etc).

yes that includes you homeowners who still have a mortgage. the plan is to put you out of a job so you cannot pay your bills and are forced to sell your home/property so they can swoop in and buy your land. at the same time kill education so your children and/or grandchildren dont get educated on to what is happening. the next step is net neutrality to kill the internet so that we cannot communicate with each other, no matter if its foreign or domestic.

better start saving those youtube videos about world/US history and especially WW2 history cuz they are actively ERASING it because they dont want you to know, and for sure dont want your children and theirs to know.

its not a race war black vs white/hispanic/asian/immigrant etc, they are coming for everyone who is not in the top 10%.
This entire post is required reading and, honestly, @kingdizzy01 , you should make this the start of a separate thread.

This right here is EXACTLY what is going on.

Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
Recap of the last 3 years of American foreign and domestic economic policy:

  • 100% tariff on Chinese EVs to protect American companies; forcing Americans to pay more for less quality cars. Doing the opposite of green deal objectives
  • Destroy Nippon steel agreement that would save thousands of jobs...proposed from G7 nation and close American ally Japan
  • Wage new round of tariff wars with manufacturing hub of world and closest geographic and economic partners
  • Send billions in aid to fund genocide, to ensure WIC functions at expense of American tax dollars
  • Send 40 million a week to Taliban
  • Billionaires buy election and presidency
and now this

I don't think America's so-called enemies need to do anything. The country is killing itself for them


Mar 11, 2022
Yall need to understand, prior to FDR, there were government departments and benefits that did not exist. One president essentially built the foundations of what this one is trying to destroy.

The new deal was a DISASTER for the rich. They hated it so much they tried to put in someone to undo it all like what Trump is doing now.

They don't teach this in schools or make movies or TV shows about it for a reason. The rich do not like being reminded of their Ls. Trump is giving them the getback that they've dreamed of for over 80 years.

But this shyt is jujitsu. You have to use your opponent's weight against him. What Trump is showing you is that all the reasons democrats gave us all for why they didn't make substantial changes was bullshyt. Hes showing you just how much power a president actually has when he has all the branches of government in his favor no matter how marginal the majority is. This means that since the illusion is being shattered if there's a primary there will be democrats running who are willing to use the office to make substantial changes in the opposite direction. Creating government jobs to get people back to work, rebuilding watch dog agencies, but making them even better than they were. Packing the court with justices who are pro consumers, secular and come from the working class.

Democrats are too p*ssy to actually use power when they have it because theyre scared that if they make substantial changes while in power that benefit the working class, those people somehow won't vote for them again despite the fact that's exactly what happened with Obama when he signed the stimulus checks and expanded health insurance coverage with the ACA. The democrat leadership is filled with people who haven't had to struggle and who spend more time talking to donors than constituents. They’re out of touch and are constantly caught by surprise because theyre too comfortable in their positions to abide any sort of change that will benefit their voters significantly. They understand that they are in a class war and they show class solidarity while giving you token achievements like sending black women to be the face of disastrous domestic and foreign policy.

People are seeing through the bullshyt and the first democrat with a working class background that runs for office offering these substantial changes will clean up in the primaries and hopefully the presidential election. In the mean time, your state can choose which federal laws and guidelines it wishes to enforce. States have a lot of power, so if you live in a red state focus on turning your district blue by voting for any politician that's actually in touch. All the failures of Trump will be on the republican brand. Hes giving local politicians a gift they can use to get ahead and crush local republican candidates.
More required reading 🛎️🛎️🛎️


Mar 11, 2022
It will burn everyone. I'm a tech worker and I was talking to my (Black) boss who's ex military and he's worried about him collapsing the economy. We only have a decade or so to make enough to be insulated against this

Like I said…

Get your money up, get in the gym, and stay close to family and friends.

We have a small window of time to prepare and possibly get out/be ready to ride this out.


All Star
Aug 18, 2017
What I don’t understand is how republican voters are all cool with everything that trump is doing

He’s literally tearing down the country and all these so called patriots are cool with that? So much for being patriots

Also dems are not pushing back hard enough, everyone just letting everything happen
Heard dems aint saying shyt cause they legit scared .
They getting threats