How did it work when people still got covid w/ the vax... because everyone on Earth didn't get the vax?? Which is virtually impossible anyway.
Your exactly right champ. Ignore these fools attempting to clown you in here. They only want to acknowledge the eventual rebrand that took place after the fact
But originally,it was definitely marketed as if you get the shot you would be protected from covid. People who got the shot where going around their at risk family members believing that the vaccine was protecting them from getting it or spreading it. Dont allow them to make you think you remembered it wrong. Maybe the talking heads,politicians and influencers they used to appeal to people misunderstood. But i didnt see the vaccine makers come out with a red alert explaining those people were wrong.
They told people get the vaccine ,people did and took their mask off. Biden confidently told folks to take their mask off and dropped the safeguards. Being that covid killed so many vulnerable already. We really dont know if if the virus just weakened on its own the more it spread. It literally couldve been a placebo and we couldve gotten the same results. Not saying it was,just saying it could have been. If the virus wasnt working it wouldve been in their interest to make more people spread it to weaken it