Go Crazy Rob!

Hit em with the MAHA Slide

Hit em with the MAHA Slide

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Pics? Sounds like my typeDidn’t he nominate some Colombian woman for the position back in his first term that couldn’t speak an ounce of proper English?
Trumps cabinet list is akin todikk tracy'sBatman's rogues gallery.
Mind you, this man is not a Doctor, Nurse, or Research Scientist. He has no experience in epidemiology and has admitted to drinking only raw milk (Please don’t drink raw milk)
I’m not going to ignore that he’s had a massive drug addiction for over 20 years and has eaten bear caracas in the middle of Central Park. In fact he caught Brain worms from eating Bear meat.
This country is finished.
This is a man who says vaccines have killed several millions of people, is a conspiracy lunatic and is about to be the top health official in the country, like i have said prior it will have to go to the brink of the abyss or oblivion for people to reject this government, i fear however the damage that will be done in the meanwhile. This is shameful stuff