Big facts.This guy talking about "traitors to the Black race" while he ran away from Kenya to live in the West.
They are going where the resources are being used effectively instead of building themselves up where they are; they have no interest in anything Black or empowering the Black "race". They use Black as a means of a come up and nothing more.
American Freedman /ADOS should only care about American Freedman /ADOS issues. There was never any "Black" empowerment outside of ADOS doing the work. Everyone else claiming Black just want access to the resources that come with that designation in the USA.
They aren't serious about any "racial solidarity". They shown you as much when they left their homelands to come to the "evil West" to live and build a life in. All the "pro-Black" talk is just Hopefully my people come to their senses and stop falling for the psychic delusions that is "race". Because if things get worse in America, those immigrants groups will run just like they ran from their homelands.
But dude is a igbo nigerian living in Canada.
Maybe he'll help point out the african in this thread who said this.