When Apartheid ended in 1994, Black South Africans owned less than 10% of land in South Africa.
90% of South Africa is black. That means since the 1800s, black South Africans have to scrumble for that small 10%. They live in slums with rooms smaller tham your bathroom.
Alexandra, South Africa
Thembisa, South Africa
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The white man still owns 70% of land in SA. 95% of whites live in places like these
Proper places with enough space and land. You can't buy one of these houses easy btw. And few blacks can afford to get any decent land
They own all the farms too
What the government is trying to do is buy back some back some of the land sp that they can approproate it back to black folks.
Whites do not want to sell to blacks. They only sell to each other.
They did not buy this land. They killed and stole it from blacks when they got here.
Now a rule has been passed that forces them to sell at a decent price to the government..