That’s because those faggits are vaccinated lolI'm shocked that more TLR posters didn't drop dead with their anti vaxx stances.
That’s because those faggits are vaccinated lolI'm shocked that more TLR posters didn't drop dead with their anti vaxx stances.
Damn, I was severely lowballing the numbers.
source: White people discriminated against for Covid-19 vaccines, Trump claimstrump said:The left is now rationing life-saving therapeutics based on race, discriminating against and denigrating … white people to determine who lives and who dies. If you’re white you do not get the vaccine or if you’re white you do not get therapeutics … In New York state, if you’re white, you have to go to the back of the line to get medical health.
plot twist.....
source: White people discriminated against for Covid-19 vaccines, Trump claims
he's found a crazy angle where he can both promote the vaccine while being nutty enough for his base to accept... damn, he might be able to thread this needle after all..... if he can convince his fan base that white people are being denied the vaccine because the "left" is rationing it only for black people, his base will suddenly want to be vaccinated... and he can stoke their animosity by shouting out: look, blm! ... .. . .. ... this isn't going to be as easy as we thought...