Tropical Storm Harvey expected to produce 2 feet of rain in Houston: Flooding ongoing in Houston


I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
Hope y'all Houston brehs n brehettes are safe. My apartment building was thorough and we never lost power... but surrounding roads was waterworld status most of yesterday :francis:

My good Samaritan deed was I rescued this sistah I been talking to Sat night; her silly ass went out to Washington ave to watch the mayweather fight wit her gfs . Remember the weather Sat daytime was straight, I almost went out at night too but was like nah:heh:

Well she wanted to come through after the fight and I was like aight.. but storm hit bad with the heavy rain n she was spooky along Katy freeway fedor, called n said she couldn't see shyt and no cars driving around. she found the only place that had light, at this closed gas station. Chick scared.

I was like :francis: But I lived 5 miles away in the mall area so I told her I'll see if I can get there but no promises if I can't see or if I see anything that looks like a flood.

So I get to 610 to i10, at one point i10 slopes down and 3/4ths of it was flooded with cars floating but I drive to the far side. I find her at the station; it's her n her car and another car with this young black dude in it. He rolls his window down and says his car drives but is fukkin up making noises. I say, ish ain't flood yet but you gon be trapped if you don't leave now. He scary tho, so I say whatever.

I tell chick, get in yo car and follow me back. she said aight... but then her car wouldn't start :snoop: engine dead, water or something. I'm like ok, lock your car, get in my car, we leaving bc it raining hard and I ain't staying any longer. so we drive a back road to 610 bc I figure i10 flooded/blocked, and make it home.

In the morning my roads flooded, cars floating but my apartment good, power on. so I kick it/mess around with chick all day, her folks callin her n she telling em she straight but not mentioning her car died and is stranded. She called her roadside assistance to tow her car but bytchasses said itd take 10 hours then we called later to check n they say said they cancelled all services.. but never called us back to tell us.

Late afternoon rain paused and so we try heading back to her car... but i-10 flooded/blockaded, all the back roads flooded, I try going to the heights to get around to there... N Durham, Shephard.. all flooded or blocked near i10.

Starts raining hard so I bring her back to my crib. we pass a food truck on westheimer and she has cash on her, so we stop n she buys us a buncha food, and she spends the night again.

Next morning I call a store I Google mapped that was next to the gas station (gas station hadn't been picking up) store says roads were a lol clearer and cars been driving. I said bet, I tell chick get dressed we going now. we get all the way there, flood water was drained... and the same dude from 2 days ago was still there :merchant: Scary ass was stranded in his car for those 2 days.

But the gas station was open so he was able to stock tho he said the owner was :mjpls: at him tryna buy all the water lol.

We figured chick would need jumper cable start (I didn't have any so we planned on callin cops) but car started up this time. Thank goodness.

I told dude he need to get his ass outta there but he still spooked, said he live by UH and he heard it flooded. I said the path to 610 clear, and 610 to galleria is clear, and this was his opportunity to make a move, but hey do you. i gave him my number and said hit me up if you make a move and need directions.

Chick gets in her car n tails me back to the highway before she heads to her area, texting me later that she made it home.

I made it back n just been chillin since. shyt was crazy but I made it aight lol

Rockstar Mom

Aug 13, 2012
So this girl I follow on IG from Texas is posting videos of a bad car accident, where this father and his 2 kids went off the road during a storm and turned upside down in a lake. Good samaritans helped them escape. Her caption was "see how serious this is, click the link in my bio to donate"

Only problem is, that car accident happened in March.:gucci: I know that video very well because it was all over social media. I simply told her "that video you're posting is from March"

She got mad and said "so what, would a live video make you feel better?"

No. But if you're trying to bring awareness, why are you using old videos that have nothing to do with what going on NOW?:francis:

This is why I'm hesitant to donate to places. People have their own agendas, and I actually do want my money to go towards people who really need the help.
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I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
So this girl I follow on IG from Texas is posting videos of a bad car accident, where this father and his 2 kids went off the road during a storm and turned upside down in a lake. Good samaritans helped them escape. Her caption was "see how serious this is, click the link in my bio to donate"

Only problem is, that car accident happened in March.:gucci: I know that video very well because it was all over social media. I simply told her "that video you're posting is from March"

She got mad and said "so what, would a love video make you feel better?"

No. But if you're trying to bring awareness, why are you using old videos that have nothing to do with what going on NOW?:francis:

This is why I'm hesitant to donate to places. People have their own agendas, and I actually do want my money to go towards people who really need the help.
Some people are scum

But it's mostly love out there.. Houstonians are really saving lives and keeping each other afloat

I'm avoiding all these social media clowns

Just posted something on FB once to let folks know I'm good then logged the fukk out


May 7, 2012
It's wild that breh was still there 2 days later:dwillhuh:
He was telling me "people out here crazy trying to drive in this weather"
I was about to say to him "Then what was yo dumbass doin late night to begin with :stopitslime:? "

But dude had a medical scrubs outfit so maybe he had a late shift... or went out for drinks or to watch the fight after leaving his job. i wasn't tryna be a smart ass tho, so i told him do you bruh but don't be stranded bc you too shook to make a move.

But yea, when we came back, dude said he just slept in his car the whole time, had a car charger for his phone. It was weird bc as we were driving there, chick was sayin how f'd up would it be if dude was still there. So we was like oh shyt, that's the same car! lol. And there dude was.

I joked with chick that would've been yo ass right there with him if i hadn't got you lol. Dude never hit me up tho, and seemed reluctant to leave... so he may still be there far as i know

Rich Spirit

Jun 9, 2012
Anybody have work tomorrow?
Both my kids and my son in law are off
The mister is due in and I know for sure the whole area
By his job is flooded
Got a email from the job that says the offices are closes tomorrow. My manager had to evacuate from Sienna Plantation and is now going to San Antonio.