One of the randomest things I’ve readRandom but back in '04 Raw Magazine interviewed Method Man and he was complaining about Trish's ass shrinking
One of the randomest things I’ve readRandom but back in '04 Raw Magazine interviewed Method Man and he was complaining about Trish's ass shrinking
The point is, shes an incredibly consistent worker. Way better than most of the people frustrated with her push give her credit
Diva's era was 2008/2010 - 2016. That's when the Diva's Title existed. 2008 is when it was introduced. 2010 is when it became the sole title for the women. 2016 is when it was retired.Nah, I disagree Todays women at their worst are almost better than the Diva era
she might not be in God Mode like Roman.4 years later and Trish can still go. I was right.