Triple H named Head of Talent Relations and Creative in WWE. 2023 WON Booker of the Year.


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
Nah what irritates me is that folks in general are not seeing the bigger picture of this wrestling thing. Like we are all arguing about something to argue about. I come in here to address the nonsense and out of nowhere I get called out like I'm not trying to bring a element of understanding and closure. Just like the Ricochet thread, I was addressing the riff raff and you just basically replied like I was ranting, when I'm not the only person telling heads to chill the hell out.

Why I have to be the one to mellow out when the aggression was in my direction? My thing was that I have a life outside these parts and share all of my issues and blessings with folks because thats who I am. Been that way for ages. I would rather be true than lie about how I'm doing. Gimmick or no gimmick. Bottom line, when I say my peace on wrestling and etc, it's not like I'm going to war over the shyt lol heaven's no. It’s just who I am.
You must have your people mixed up because I’m pretty sure I only quoted you once in the Rico thread. I don’t know how you took that post as me trying to say you’re ranting when I just explained something to you.

You can preach your peace all you want, but just like in real life, some people won’t hear it. Like how someone tells a drug addict to get help and they don’t listen. You ever tell someone not to do something and they still do it? The same shyt applies here. People are gonna do what they want and sometimes words fall on deaf ears.

I’ve said my peace.
May 1, 2012
Contrary to what some people say or misconstrue, the WWE product is heat right now. I'm not going to explain away some of the issues with black talent but if you go several pages back, I made mention of how I actually agree with the way Melo is being booked right now... I think they've done a great job getting him and Andrade over and I think it's great for the United States title because that's where all of this is leading...

Easy to forgive isn't the right phrase... but put it this way, Triple H (and Heyman with the Bloodline saga) is still booking a quality show. I think that's why some people are trying to hope that things will get better for Tez and the like because other that that, the actual show.... RAW... has been heat.

SD! is slightly less efficient that it once was but it's still not a bad show..

On RAW you have the following:

- Bronson Reed and Braun Stroman... two monsters... it's been booked like 'Godzilla vs. Kong' and it's easily one of the best things they have going

- Liv Morgan and Dom... one of the better romantic angles they've done in some time

- Kofi and Xavier... tons of nuance and depth to this friendship where you can see the character motivations from both parties

I'm probably forgetting something but that's why I think Hunter is getting sort of a "pass" of late because the rest of the show has been so good.

The Intergalactic Koala

Reporting for Duty
Jan 2, 2017
Koalabama and the Cosmos
You must have your people mixed up because I’m pretty sure I only quoted you once in the Rico thread. I don’t know how you took that post as me trying to say you’re ranting when I just explained something to you.

You can preach your peace all you want, but just like in real life, some people won’t hear it. You ever try to tell a drug addict to get help and they don’t listen? You ever tell someone not to do something and they still do it? The same shyt applies here. People are gonna do what they want and sometimes words fall on deaf ears.

I’ve said my peace.

Breh I lived with drug addicts, prostitutes, and broken families at one point of my life. Trust me when I say that you give a inch or at least some form of good direction, they try despite the deaf ears and blurred vision. I worked with intercity folks that got treated like after thoughts from the staff and got all my ideas shut down because "budget" including a GED program so folks don't have to be a slave to the warehouse.

I'm a byproduct of a family consists of addicts, deviants, and etc. But I can truly say that I try to stir directions. Yes people will continue to be people, but effort is better than no effort. I for one would rather be true to self throughout this board, especially on a subforum I mostly cut it up in, than lie and let shyt go off the blind eye.

I'm not trying to be the hall monitor, but if my spirit doesn't agree with something, I try to respectfully address it. But as you said your peace, I said mines. No beef because it's Sunday :wow: