Dude you are just a 0 and 1 to me, but when you don't @ my name and speak to me sideways, it becomes my business because I am a grown man screw a gimmick. I @ you when you ruined the truce thread because for the life of you, you can't let this fighting shyt alone for one single day. I have never called you out, but that moment you did that it kind's rub me off the wrong way, because I would never have done that to you. And the only reason why I said my peace in the Tony Billionaire Mark thread is that @OneDeep was wrong about that issue with @MenacingMonk, but you ended up ratting him out despite calling posters c00ns like @Silkk on a subforum that consists of white and latino posters with a few black folks, without proving your stance.
My spirit don't agree on that by any means, especially with how comfortable folks been in this side of town, and the only reason why the mods not coming through is that they are laughing at this side and the noodle threaded site in itself. So it's pretty much anything goes, but at least I try to bridge the gap despite that being a fail, because heaven's forbid I don't want to pick a side in wrestling.
At the end of it all, what is the endgame? We can go back to back or you can just let bygones because unlike most people that's on your shytlist, I know how to not argue with arguments. I got bigger fish to fry. So are we finished or done?
This post is all over the place but I didn't "ruin" The Truce thread on purpose. I was replying to what the topic on the page was and people got upset... the same people who say "he won't post in this thread Lol" and then when I do......they go running or get mad at it...

But that's another story altogether... Anyway, it's terrible that that happened in the Truce thread but that's where it happened to be. There wasn't any malicious intent behind it.

And besides... that was a few weeks ago and I have not posted in there since, So it's not "ruined" by any means..
As for @OneDeep ... One day, he woke up and decided he wanted to start talkin crazy on me and my family so you can ask him why he decided to shift from normal poster to unhinged poster