Yeah....If only we could post proof of what we're talking about huh.....Ryback was over for a total of two months before that match with Punk that he wasn't even supposed to be in, and was only put in the spot because Cena was injured. Before he got over, he was getting "Goldberg" chants for like four months. I don't know why, especially in hindsight, anybody still acts like Ryback should've been the new top guy. If anything, the biggest mistake they made was putting him in that spot to begin with. He still wasn't at that point moving merch or selling tickets, he was getting a chant and entrance pops. It would've been short-sighted AF to take the title off Punk and put it on him. That's a prime example of booking some shyt into a corner.
Them Goldberg chants were SUPER overwhelming

Not like that HIAC PPV he headlined vs Punk did above the usual PPV buys.....But he wasn't selling merch or tickets

Nobody ever said he should've been the new top guy, But he for damn sure could have been A new top guy.