Why would it be every time they get bumped to FS1 they do that number to a low mil. Just like nobody talked about Dynamite moving to Tuesday and losing 200-300k
Just arguing to argue at this point
You’ve been living under a rock? Stinks 2.0 thread had that in the headline for a week.

I’m just telling how it is since I had a debate over Friday being a shyt day for Wrasslin, yet Rell84Retards said since SD pulled over 3 mil and Raw doing close to 2 on cable, then why can’t Rampage do bigger numbers if “plenty” of Wrasslin fans have cable?
This is a perfect example proving my reasoning right. I’m curious to know what SD would do if it was on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday on cable. I’m sure they’d do over a mil, at least.
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