just like it’s casual sports fans it’s casual wrestling fans..Jey been over since the pandemicThat’s a lot of different pieces to discuss.
Jey Uso is definitely as over as it appears. We’ve seen it too much to say otherwise. He’s even outpopped Roman several times recently.
As far as the mania build, That’s certainly up for debate. I think HHH’s slow ass booking is a problem in general though. No reason on earth why we shouldn’t have gotten Roman Reigns vs Jacob Fatu at some point this past year. Fuccking Insane.
Asstin TheoryAustin Theory is ass.
it’s not over him but they really dropped the ball not pushing Tez after he showed out in the chamber..HHH punk azz didn’t even acknowledge him in the presserI still can't believe they took Tez whole future lane away and gave it to Jey to do worse but it still got over so no one notices or cares
And if you think I'm bullshyttin, think about what Tez's natural arc was taking him towards in terms of gimmick
How so? The crowds and atmosphere are much better overseas. I'd rather watch London than Corpus Christie any day of the week.Didn’t mention Rock or 17 titles but people think this wasn’t last minute. Having mania season overseas is a terrible decision for show quality but that’s TKO going forward