Cripple H looking like one of the moomins

I think he instantly looks better. No homo but he never looked right when he had his hair in a ponytail and he was worst in 2003 with zero facial hair
I think he instantly looks better. No homo but he never looked right when he had his hair in a ponytail and he was worst in 2003 with zero facial hair
- WWE Chairman Vince McMahon and Triple H have been butting heads behind the scenes in recent weeks, especially since SummerSlam. Triple H is convinced that his character is much more effective as a heel, however Vince likes using him as a fan favorite.
While Triple Hs influence has increased tremendously in the past coupel of years, Vince McMahon still has the final say on virtually all matters, including Triple H's character.
- WWE Chairman Vince McMahon and Triple H have been butting heads behind the scenes in recent weeks, especially since SummerSlam. Triple H is convinced that his character is much more effective as a heel, however Vince likes using him as a fan favorite.
While Triple Hs influence has increased tremendously in the past coupel of years, Vince McMahon still has the final say on virtually all matters, including Triple H's character.
- WWE Chairman Vince McMahon and Triple H have been butting heads behind the scenes in recent weeks, especially since SummerSlam. Triple H is convinced that his character is much more effective as a heel, however Vince likes using him as a fan favorite.
While Triple H’s influence has increased tremendously in the past coupel of years, Vince McMahon still has the final say on virtually all matters, including Triple H's character.
Don't care how much we bullshyt about him, HHH is a damn good heel when he's not simply burying for the sake of burying. No reason to not capitalize on it. Could serve as a new age McMahon/Austin feud if a good face was built up.