[quote="Long_Live_The_Kane, post: 6174304, member: 51] it's like he's completely unaware that he's wack and it comes as a surprise that people would think so...money well spent def jam
He's a man without a country. The song All Gold blew up bigger than he couldve hoped for, but it also made everyone assume he was a clown. He (seems like) a moderately intelligent dude so he realized that playing the clown wasn't getting him any closer to a release date and also hurt his feelings a little bit
. So he's spent the last 6 months trying to prove he's not retarded while also trying to stay relevant...but his biggest problem is still that he has no talent or passion for music so he's out here completely lost....
Tough break nikka...[/quote]
yea he wants to be taken seriously and known for more than the one song ,but dissing radio personalities he was cordial to in person and giving his take on the state of ny hiphop aren't going to change any minds. Hell he wouldn't be one of the top ten people whose opinion on the Atlanta scene anybody cared about, let alone anywhere else lol.