Very similar to the "Operation Third World" indictment in 2015, with Gates crew. I would think there are some connections between the cases.
These long terms cases aren't easy to build, it takes a lot of resources and time, but in these cities like BR, where EVERYONE knew what this dude was doing, you just have to find a weak point, and debrief them, and then keep circling, and keep pressing further in.
Some of these dudes are going to get 25 years plus, I am sure they have records and prior federal felonies. Kind of a big fish in a small town sort of thing.
These long terms cases aren't easy to build, it takes a lot of resources and time, but in these cities like BR, where EVERYONE knew what this dude was doing, you just have to find a weak point, and debrief them, and then keep circling, and keep pressing further in.
Some of these dudes are going to get 25 years plus, I am sure they have records and prior federal felonies. Kind of a big fish in a small town sort of thing.