cut my cousin some slack bruhBeyonce the fakest person evershe not even from 3rd ward

cut my cousin some slack bruhBeyonce the fakest person evershe not even from 3rd ward
This is what everyone who meets her says about her too .She's not. She's probably one of the nicest people in the world considering her position she could shyt on everyone and she doesn't
Beyonce the fakest person evershe not even from 3rd ward
at the same time.
would you really be prepared for those hands?Her bodyguard a sucka, I can tell by his hand position he gay. I'd be drinking dem titties on the side if I was bodyguardin her, specially after Camel Goat cheated, heavy duty cock blockin would be taking place on my end for the booty
Let me say it again, in case they ain't hear you:Just a bad face pic that's all
Dem titties though![]()
She says she's from there . When she's not.