Tory Lanez Streams drop 40% After Shooting Megan UPDATE: TORY SAYS ITS A LIE


Oct 1, 2014
Maybe, maybe not. Folks knew about R. Kelly after that tape was revealed in 2002 and continued to work with him for almost twenty years. Damn near every big time singer or/and rapper worked with him in some form or fashion. Now Kelly is a very talented artist and was way more popular despite his behavior so maybe it's not a fair comparison but can't really count Tory out.
This is a different time now


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
Why did he shoot that girl? Smh
Its been 3 Thursdays ago since Meg said he shot her.

hes still free.
The DA hasnt upgraded the charges.
Their is no arrest warrant for him.
He is not deported.
He didnt have to give up his work visa id to stay in America.
The charges have a gun confiscated but not a gun discharged, not even reckless endangerment (shooting in the air, Etc).
Hes an ex felon as late of 2018, for a gun charge. The LAPD would of GSR tested everyone, including Meg that night if they thought a gun was fired.
they would of also checked if the gun was recently fired.
Meg was also detained that night, but everyone chooses to ignore this part.

you cant be this naive :dwillhuh: If an immigrant, ex felon with previous gun charges, had shot someone that night he would be in jail. Testimony or no testimony from Meg. California is not going to release a potentially dangerous person back into the public to potentially shoot more people if they have any shred of evidence that night that a person was shot

They found a gun. On an ex felon (this does mean something). They see someone is bleeding. They detain everyone, including the person injured. Then they release everyone. Tory was released 2 hours after being arrested.

it saddens me with everything we know factually so far and not she “he she, she say“ (cause meg is only one saying anything, public court is not court of law remember this) , that the majority of people are just siding with the loudest one and removing all common sense and rational thought on this subject

I dont even know the people involved in this like that. But damn someone has to use common sense here.

no one is shooting someone, in California, the cops retrieve a gun at the scene, and they fly to Miami 2 hours later. Its just not possible.