The Wall Is Undefeated!
Of course, these typical coli 'protect and believe all wahmen' pets/shills for the white loony left are downplaying and deflecting the crap that the black die-vestor/swirler, blavity, shea butter, feminazis are spouting. The problem with thecoli typicals is they're out of touch with ordinary people (especially with ordinary black men) and clearly can't see the full picture. Yet they have the audacity to tell us to touch grass!?As anticipated, people here are deflecting, downplaying, etc. "How did you find this" "they're white people"
It's weird how yall are apparently black men, but constantly brush off hatred against us.
typical coli 'protect and believe all wahmen' pets/shills for the white loony left: "It's just the internet. It's only social media"
No, it isn't. Social media just enhances the problem that was there way before social media took off. These guys deliberately ignore the feministic policies and events that happened from the 1960s onwards. Stuff like:
Oprah Winfrey (and other talk shows)
The Color Purple
Sex and The City
Women's Magazines like Cosmopolitan (which btw one of the former editors of Cosmopolitan has stated that most of the articles were BS. Look it up on Youtube).
Western Academia becoming way too left/liberal
Waiting to Exhale
The 1990s feministic crap in entertainment media in general (e.g. Pretty Woman, Chasing Amy - women being 304s yet they should be forgiven and they deserve a good man despite being ran through)
Tyler Perry movies
No amendment to marriage and family laws thus they favour women majorly (alimony, child support, paternity fraud, etc).
This is the foundation of western men's ire. Yet, thecoli typical pets call men that speak out against the BS that western media and government backed feminist, 'incels', 'YoU jUsT hAtE wOmEn!', 'YoU'rE pErPeTuAtInG dA gEnDeR wAr', etc. Thecoli pets just want to give us outdated advice like "Stick one's head in the sand".
Yet many people with common sense know these basic truths:
You don't ignore bad behaviour. You correct and punish it.
In order for somebody to act like an adult, you must treat them like an adult.
We do this with western men and rightfully so. Yet, when it comes to western women... the excuses are as long as the diameter of the Earth. Then, we wonder why women keep acting up!?
Btw, the scammer Somali chick has just had her GoFundMe account suspended (it's being investigated). Good.
That's what happens when you call out BS and make people accountable. fukk ignoring women's BS. They're adults (by definition a woman is an adult human female... I think but I'm no biologist. LOL

If it were up to the usual suspects of thecoli, they'd tell men to do this:

While playing with this

For the 'Typical coli' - Your time is over. Go and touch grass!
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