There are endless examples cac/other race couples that don't have this problem. Actually, it seems to me, like most cacs get off on being in a mixed race relationship where they can be racist as fux to their partner-- like the whole negro bedwench concept is based on cacs having black women turn on their race. Being a white extremist and dating outside of your race doesn't seem to be something that cacs struggle with, but for some reason nikkas can't separate the idea that who you fuxing doesn't change who you are. If you're about that white power bullshyte on the low, then why would that change if you choose a non-white person? Donald Sterling outchea boning a black hispanic woman and buying her mansions, but he don't want near 1 of us other nikkas around her or himself.
Can understand where people might see the conflict in it (especially black people who don't really understand hate and manipulation) because when people are not in a 2 parent, same race household shyte gets weird and confusing. Like any topic on which dark skinned people are actually black or what percentage of melanin constitutes a black person being legit black, nikkas are gonna disagree and create diagrams and flow charts to make sense of it. Personally, I wouldn't waste an ounce of energy defending some raven-symone-ass nikka who might not really like or want anything to do with black people, but is a black person. If you have that "I wish I was born another race on the low low" mentality, then does it matter who you're dating? I don't want self-hating black people raising black kids anymore than I'd want to see people who don't understand the black experience trying to raise black kids alone.

On some craziness though, starting to realize that nikkas are IR dating and gassing these women up.
Men are starting to take on the traits of the culture of women they are dating. It seems like only black brothas are doing this.
You start dating a hispanic chick and all of a sudden you on that "wepa wepa", start only listening to reggaeton and start getting at black folks for not 'expanding their horizons'. Same goes with nikkas dating Asians and white women. What's worse is that some nikkas not only gassing these chicks, but they telling them, "I'm with you cause you do things that black women don't do"