Oh yeah I totally forgot this momentList is almost perfect, but the Shield/Wyatts match was in 2014. You could replace it with this:
2012 - Brock returns. I would've put Rock/Cena had it been what it was billed as - "ONCE IN A LIFETIME."
Arguably probably the biggest "Holy shyt" moment of the decade given the way he exited the company and going to MMA. The Pop was insane
Some would say it is. People been thinking shane would save WWE.THAT was the best of 2016?
How about AJ Styles' debut? Sami vs Nakamura? Fukk Shane.
Not even then..when fans turned on the Slammys on Raw for Bryan, it was bigger than any connected Blandy deal. Blandy is not part of anything huge. That was just a normal heel turn. It basically became Bryan vs Steph until WM XXX with sprinkles of Cripple H, Blandy, Shield, and Big Show.Lowkey 2013 should be dbry winning then Orton cashing in