If you search my post history, you'll see that I'm a huge advocate for community college then transfer to state school. I think paying for private school (especially for profit) is a waste of money. In this case the road to hell is paved with good intentions. While the degree maybe useless from a for-profit school, the work and focus that the people used to earn a degree are still worthy of some recognition.The top two are due to people being misdirected.
They'd be much better off at their local community colleges.
I'm simply acknowledging the work and the fact that they finished.
If a person isn't getting free ride, they should choose the least expensive higher education option possible. Graduating with massive debt nearly eliminates any advantage of attending a private school.
If I'm hiring I'm not going to dismiss a University of Phoenix graduate because at least they did finish. Done is better than perfect and most people are pretty intelligent. The school that a person graduates from has absolutely nothing to do with their capabilities or intelligence.