Easy Mo Bee Is Nuttier Than A Snicker’s Bar!!! « Combatjack With Todays Mathematics
Here's what happened...
Here's what happened...

props, good read.
butat dude being that paranoid. Theres somethin mad fishy about the way he started acting after he didn't join the Hitmen, espcially when he was a supposedly normal dude before that.
"What Mo Bee omitted to share with xxl is how he started acting all . strange after Ready To Die dropped. And Im talking X-Files strange. See, a few years ago, I too began to ask several cats in the know as to why dudes career floundered. What I discovered was astounding. One producer that I reppd told me this story about how he and Mo Bee hooked up for lunch one day to discuss some projects they had on the table. In between bites, said producer told me that as they were discussing business, every time anyone would walk by, Mo Bee would nervously motion to dude to stop talking. This went on for like an hour and since they were in a crowded restaurant, no business was actually discussed. They eventually ended up in Mo Bees car. Once in the car, Mo Bee proceeded to turn on the a.c. to full blast, cranked up the car stereo to max, and whispered in dudes ear theyre following me, so I have to be careful what I say. WTF?"
"It was in the dead of winter and when the exec got to Mos door, Mo stayed eyeballing him out through his peep hole for like 15 minutes. Then, once he figured the coast was clear, Mo went through the process of unlocking what mustve been about 12 locks before letting my dude in. Once in, the exec was strangely greeted by Mo who was wearing nothing but a terry cloth bath robe and house shoes, but sweating profusely, like he had stepped out of an effin steam room. Mo then motioned for dude to be quiet. After cranking up his stereo, and a.c., I guess to drown out any sound, Mo pointed for dude to hold their meeting in Mos bathroom with the shower on blast and with consistent toilet flushing taking place. Mo then started whispering, nervously looking around and asking more than once as to whether my dude was followed as theyve been watching me, following me closely for some time now, and I cant really discuss shyt or give you anything today, in case they try to trap me and take me away.
and lol @ Dr Dre & Jimmy Iovine bangin on his hotel door for 10 minutes tryin to get him out