I already post three videos of him here, who else posting his videos?
could have been all your post I saw, I`m saying I've seen his videos appear on her multiple times
I already post three videos of him here, who else posting his videos?
What's your opinion on Kanem Bornu empire being number one in the video?
Nothing really, but I think thing the video maker forgot to mention about Kanem is that they were one of the first African states to use firearms, which they got from the Ottomans.
It was actually this picture of buddy on the left that made me research this further![]()
Also the Kanem iirc had alliences with the Ottomans and were very respected by other muslims. They even conquered most of southern Libya, which shows in a historical sense there is no such thing as "sub Saharan African", as "sub Saharan Africans" have always lived in southern Libya which is "North Africa".
There was a range of factors which contributed to Aksums demise.I also think Egypt should have been number one. It had the longest run, and I also like that they were able to bounce back multiple times after suffering setbacks. Mali also could have been number one, but do y'all think they could have been even greater?
In regards to Songhai I've always been disgusted with the way it endedThere was no reason that Morocco should have ended them the way they did, not with the resources that they possessed. I read that the emperor could have done things to end Songhai: poison the waters so they don't even make it to their land, and/or buy weaponry from the Ottomans. I also am not well versed on the Somali empire, so I can't speak on them for sure, but from the video they seemed very impressive
Axum was great as well, but the rise of Islam hurt them right?
They remind me of the badass Alik'r warriors from Skyrim.![]()
It was actually this picture of buddy on the left that made me research this further![]()
Didnt watch video yet, but seems interesting.
And yeah Somalis always had rich historic empires/states in Africa. Too bad its not as studied, even by so called black scholars. Same goes for early Ethiopian history.
It was studied and documented by numerous black MUSLIM scholars. Stop looking to white folks to record and tell you your own history.
Not sure specifically on the Somali lineage, but i'm about to dive into the Ta'rikh al fattash, written by a black Muslim named Al-Hajj Mahmud Kati. This book talks specifically about the Songhai Empire and Timbuktu.
The Sahelian empires like Ghana, Mali and Songhai are commonly studied by black scholars especially black muslim and black french scholars, but again when it comes to very ancient horn history there is a lack of scholarship. And no its not due to looking for "the white man to tell us the story".