Take money out of politics, now imagine what you have left, are you ok with how that would operate? Now look at who's injecting money into politics and why; then you should have a reason to question your opinion.
I don't blame market entities for lobbying, because I understand they have no choice. I blame govt. for not reffing the game better.
Lets be clear, govt. sets all the rules and controls the game, those in the market are just players. You seem to be pointing at the players and saying they are the problem for how things are when nothing could be further for the truth.
Moreover your solution(removing money) can only come from govt. as well... the market entities really play an extremely small role in the big picture. How govt. has managed to put them center stage and remain on the side line is beyond me.
Wacky libertarians have been advocating for the removal of money from politics, along with an end to the warfare state and the war on drugs for some time... which goes to show how much fear of a freer market exist.
Democrats and republicans have both embraced corporatism head on, and look to remain our only options... eventually anarchy is going to make sense...
This belief that you and the many here have, that those in govt. are going to give up their golden goose is naive IMHO and I dont think history lends itself tot he idea that said change will come peacefully.