Too Many Americans Will Never Be Able to Retire

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
Over a 30 year period over $1,000,000 will flow through most peoples hands assuming you make atleast 30k.

How will you spend it? On dumb shyt or carefully?

Do you buy starbucks? Make your own coffee

Do you buy fast food? Learn to cook at home

Buy in bulk

Avoid movie theaters and wait till it comes out on Netflix

Etc etc
At a certain point you can only cut down your expenses so low. Like whether you made your own coffee at home versus buying a $4 latte at Starbucks or you chose a cheaper cable plan probably not gonna make that much difference compared to spending your energy figuring out how to create more income

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
:yeshrug:so basically only certain people deserve just a little bit of luxury in life

it's funny how ya'll never put into consideration how medical bills wipe out people's savings, but ya'll ain't trying to think that far ahead :mjlol:

Over a 30 year period over $1,000,000 will flow through most peoples hands assuming you make atleast 30k.

How will you spend it? On dumb shyt or carefully?

Do you buy starbucks? Make your own coffee

Do you buy fast food? Learn to cook at home

Buy in bulk

Avoid movie theaters and wait till it comes out on Netflix

Etc etc


Sep 2, 2014
:yeshrug:so basically only certain people deserve just a little bit of luxury in life

it's funny how ya'll never put into consideration how medical bills wipe out people's savings, but ya'll ain't trying to think that far ahead :mjlol:
The fact that medical bills can wipe you out is even more of a reason to tighten up and invest. Obviously you have a different scenario playing out if you were born with a condition or get hit with something before you really cake from you career, but not all medical expenses are immediately ruinous. Its like when its quoted most Americans dont have 1k in savings. If you suddenly get hit with a 3k bill you cant pay and you dont know how or dont bother to work out a payment plan(or the provider wont work it out), having that debt be passed to collectors or put on a card with a 24% interest rate is how folks dont go immediately broke but fall into a hole and bleed cash year over year. Of course if you have some medical catastrophe that in 3 days costs you 5-6 figures somehow, its harder to plan for those, but things like medications and physical therapy and whatnot...most people get bled with ordinary (overpriced) expenses.

This is not to say that you cant be prepared for everything, but consider how broke many people are cause of shyt wages and you see that much of it is relative. Health expenses arent always a death sentence to your account, but if you have a growing nest egg and are in decent shape when you start, you won’t find yourself in common situations like a surprise bill with no insurance, so its rent and food or the 2k bill going to collections and fukking up your credit, which then starts a chain of shyt that makes life more expensive for you in general.


May 29, 2012
The Rucker
If you dont have enough money saved for retirement, outside of being wiped out by a medical debt...then it's your fault :yeshrug:

The majority of Americans are fukking stupid with their money and dont think about retirement until it's right around the corner and it's too late. They buy depreciating items their entire lives and other worthless materialistic shyt that wont help them in order to show off to others, meanwhile saving, investing, and paying off debts is a foreign concept. I see it now with peers in their 20s and 30s. I tell them to save for retirement as opposed to buying dumb shyt, and some of these fools tell me "tomorrow isn't promised :yeshrug:", "I want to enjoy my money when I'm young, not when I am an old decrepit nikka :hhh:"

If you are born post 1980, you have no excuse not to save for retirement. You have all the knowledge that mankind has created in the palms of your hands, stop keeping up with the joneses and trying to live a fake life and start budgeting and saving.

A 30 year old single breh who makes an average of just $45,000 over the course of his working life, if he puts aside 8-10% of his GROSS income into an index fund at an extremely conservative rate of 9% return over the course of 35 years (age 30-65), he would have a little over $1 million dollars by the time he is 65. If he has an employer who matches 3-5% towards his 401k that could be better since he is getting free money. Or open a roth IRA and max it out every year. If he has a home that is paid off and no other bills then he should be set. This is only if the breh just worked for his entire life and didnt make any other investing moves (real estate, mutual funds, etc.). Don't nut in bytches you arent planning on living with or raising a family with, try to stay as healthy as you possibly can, budget your money, live within your means, save for retirement, all tangible and realistic things that can be done.

Meanwhile you have fools in here hoping there will be a french revolution :mjlol:

Anything to prevent you from using common sense :francis:



Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
:yeshrug:so basically only certain people deserve just a little bit of luxury in life

it's funny how ya'll never put into consideration how medical bills wipe out people's savings, but ya'll ain't trying to think that far ahead :mjlol:

Cleon how many times a day can you post smart-dumb shyt on this forum? 5? 10? Genuine question. :jbhmm:

Its guys like you who truly and sadly don't get it. No one owes you anything.

How the hell do you argue against saving money for the future? You do realize health insurance is the reason why most people don't get "wiped out" by a single medical expense?

Back to the drawing board ol' cleon. :mjlol:

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Yea no need to tell me, bruh. Im hip to all of that, but my issue is I had to dig specifically for this info. Sure its easy to find, but its really not taught commonly so people miss out on easy investment vehicles because when people think of investments, they think of stock trading, housing, or volatile collectibles when there is so much more out there. Whats worse is we have been in a decade long bull run and while people are going to learn investing now, I fear the ass will fall out of the market, people will lose value, and it will be back to square one of people being scared to invest because they dont trust the cyclical nature of investing.

I would go even further and say the basics of just saving money to invest in the first place eludes a lot of people. shyt like budgeting and investing should be taught in high school.

That said, the information and options are out there, and if you have a long term investment timeline all the short term bumps and bruises are irrelevant. But that takes a change in mentality that a lot of people who have to live paycheck to paycheck might not have the luxury to adopt. shyt's complicated

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
So Free public tuition and Medicare 4 all is not realistic? :stopitslime:

A lot of right wingers in this forum. Those 2 things would save tens of thousands per American every year. And people always juelz'ing on why that isnt realistic. :smh:

Guess bloodshed gotta happen to the rich before it gets through people's heads.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Aint none of you gon do shyt, times have changed, people dont have the stamina to protest and revolt like that anymore, this especially in Western culture. All they will do is Bring Jordan outta retirement, redo season 8 of GOT, drop another Marvel flick, new iphone and yawwwl will forget bout revolting in a flash. These people smarter than you think

You forgot about those police brutality protests? People will fight for basic rights and unite if needed to be.


Sep 2, 2014
I would go even further and say the basics of just saving money to invest in the first place eludes a lot of people. shyt like budgeting and investing should be taught in high school.

That said, the information and options are out there, and if you have a long term investment timeline all the short term bumps and bruises are irrelevant. But that takes a change in mentality that a lot of people who have to live paycheck to paycheck might not have the luxury to adopt. shyt's complicated
I feel that, man. I was in the weeds trying to figure out what my retirement was gonna be looking at if I started...but one thing stood out above all:get out of debt first. It would be different if I could drop many 10s of thousands into investments now, but I still just have a car to pay off. No investment can outdo the 6% im paying on the loan, and jts possible for me to pay off t he car this year, so the long term savings will be incredible. Been eating good cooking at home and saving cash, my housing is 1/5th of my pretax income (less than 1/3 after) so my #1 goal is to finish that. All my other debts are paid off and it changed my life. I know too many folks that could use two years of buckling down and they would be good but they aint have the will for it.