I'm kinda not udnerstanding...dude walked out on a race track waiving his hands at cars going 100 plus miles per hour. It should be expected he get hit., its difficult to avoid or swerve and not put ya life at risk as a result. It is possible tony wanted to hit him on purpose but you will need some more evidence like recording or audio inside the car to support ya argument.
Well there are lots of things that don't add up.
1. This guy is not the 1st person in racing history to leave his vehicle in a race. For just Tony alone, you can find montages of him leaving his vehicle during a Nascar race and throwing his helmet. Yet somehow, nobody hit Tony. So you can find all this video evidence of drivers leaving their vehicle in not just Nascar, but pretty much any driving circuit and you can see cars avoiding them. So while it doesn't happen often in racing, when a person does leave a vehicle and is just on the track, other cars somehow find a way not to hit him. You say it is expected he should be hit, but video evidence throughout the history of racing shows that drivers in fact, hardly ever get hit. While it was incredibly stupid for him to get out of the car, video evidence throughout the history of racing shows that it is incredibly unlikely that he would have gotten hit. For every 1 clip you can find of a guy getting hit...you can find 15 to 20 when a guy did not.
2. You said he was driving a 100 mph. There was a caution flag at the time of the accident. So...why is Tony Stewart driving a 100 mph when he is supposed to know that something has happened to be deemed hazardous on the track? Are other cars driving faster or slower than Tony at the time of this happening?
3. You say Tony would have put his life at risk if he tried to avoid or swerve. But...there was a car in front of Tony who avoided the guy. Did that car fishtail? I didn't see that in the video. Did that car spin out? I didn't see that in the video. Did the driver of the car who avoided Ward loose control of the car at anytime before or after avoiding Ward? I didn't see that in the video.
Was Tony guilty of murder? I doubt we ever know that...but I find it hilarious that he has not been charged with at least manslaughter or negligent homicide. Watching the coverage of this yesterday, it was strange to see people treat it like the dude just hopped out of nowhere and dove at Tony's car. It was strange to see people say this doesn't happen in the sport where the guy who ran Ward over has actually hopped out of his vehicle and THROWN HIS HELMET at another car ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS. People act like this all happened in less than a second, where it took so long to happen, that another car that was closer to Ward was able to avoid and pass him without issue before Tony's car get's into the frame. And he hit the dude with his back tire...so...that means that either the dude took another step toward Tony's car after the front of the car had already passed him (physically impossible if you are telling me that Tony was going 100 mph) or Tony's vehicle swerved as he was passing the dude. Even funnier...this wasn't even a Nascar race...just some random dudes racing a random dirt track...so i am supposed to believe...that a random guy racing had the skill and focus to avoid a guy on the track...but a world famous nascar racer who's been racing cars longer than I've been alive did not?
People yesterday kept bringing up "Tony didn't know he had wrecked his car." Uh...why the fukk is that even important?
Just surreal to see a sport in which a guy ran over and killed another guy...and then let the guy decide if he is going to race the next day...Tony Stewart literally ran over and killed a person on film and it seems it's just going to be chalked up as an "unfortunate incident". Wow.
Shout out to Greg Zipadelli for graduating Magna Cum Laude of No fukks Given University...Dude straight up said "it's business as usual." As a card carrying member of the Scumbag Society, I have to admit even I was a little shocked by that statement.
In the end...Tony will pay this family off and it will all go away....and no one will answer the question of...if the police didn't charge Tony then why is Tony paying them anything...after all...he was found as having done nothing wrong?