CaCs are out of their minds
EDIT: I just saw the video in full on ESPN this dude got damn near in the MIDDLE OF THE TRACK WTF?? HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE??
Yeah bruh, I was looking like

when he walked into the traffic and then

when he got hit, in all honesty dude kinda was asking for it cause it COULDA been a mistake made by any other driver. HOWEVER, him getting hit was no mistake at all and its crazy as fukk how white people can kill and get away with all types of crimes with a slap on the wrist. Cops killing unarmed nikkas, get a paid suspension. White dude follows young man in hoodie, escalates a fight, kills him, gets found not guilty. Black girl knocks at white mans door after car accident, he opens door, kills her, gets out on bail and awaiting trial. This is America folks, if you are fortunate enough to have white skin you can kill at will as long as you can make up a reason as to why you did it.
I really want to see how this turns out cause this is a different type of incident and the dude who was killed was a young white boy. We are fukked either way cause if they lock dude up for murder/voluntary manslaughter, you already know its cause dude he killed was a young white male who never got to reach his white power potential. If he walks with a slap on the wrist then that shyt really means that nothing matters out here, money buys freedom.