girls just wanna have funds
what's wrong with the distance of his eyes?
Too close together. It's weird. Plus he always has his mouth hanging open, I don't know why the hell is that.
what's wrong with the distance of his eyes?
nikkas forgot bout Olden Polynice ?
he looks like that dude Goku fought in that tournament in the afterlife lol
couldn't think of dudes name to look him up but yup thats himlol i konw exzactly who you are talking about
Breh, make threads all you want. You think Snell gives a fukk when he's laughing all the way to the bank?
This nikka looks dead ass retarded. I'm not trying to be funny
You must not know Deandre Jordan. He makes Tony Snell look like a greek god. I mean, at least Snell's eyes are set a reasonable distance apart.