Over my years, I've seen Rook(ie)s get tooken by the (K)night
Lose they Crown, by tryna defend a Queen
Checkmate in 4 moves.. the Bobby Fischer of rap with raw moves
In a time where we all move..
- Jay-Z (This Life Forever)

So this girl was 13 YEARS OLD at the time was driven from Rochester to NYC which is a 5 hour drive to the VMAs. That same friend left her in the city alone. Also that friend is conveniently dead now. This girl gets raped, escapes the house, and calls her father to pick her up and not the police. You just got raped by two celebrities, your five hours away from home alone but you call your dad who can't get to you in a timely manner but the police can get to you within minutes. The father drives 5 HOURS to pick her up, he asks no questions as to why his preteen daughter is 5 hours away from home, what happened to her, etc.