Yeah I call that "Level 3 Racism" and it goes to "Level 10" lol.
Imagine that same feeling you felt there, but knowing that there was nothing you could actually do about it. No matter how achieved, educated, experienced or well versed you become, you are still looked at as inferior based on nothing but what you look like.
Then imagine on top of that the majority of the country you live in looking at you in the same light, personally and historically, to the point that you have trouble even tracing what your real history would be because its not covered by conventional methods of recording.
Then imagine on top of that, that you had to deal with those kind of interactions, looks and feelings EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. For the rest of your life. And you know that you will always be outnumbered so there is no way you can lash back without being overwhelmed.
And then understand that, it gets A WHOLE LOT worse than something as trite as this... then you are just now beginning to understand a little bit of what it means to be a minority in America. And we haven't even begun to scratch the surface...
the black man the most hated man worldwide
you can go to countries that have a 0.0000000000001% black population and they hate you even though they may have never seen a black person ever