It's a bit sickening that these are considered the voices of our group.
Tariq with his educated seeming ass comes off as someone above this type of foolishness. But I guess that's expecting too much.
everytimeWhat up EVERYBODYYYYYY
NO ONE considers Tommy the voice of anything or anybody. Even the white people who are entertained by his over the top rhetoric don't take him seriously.
i heard of him on here. it certainly seems like a lot of people here take him seriously
It's getting real out here in these streets
TOMMY STARTED ITTariq is contradicting himself with this. He keeps talking about how unimportant Tommy is but then makes a whole web series dedicated to making fun of Tommy. Most of us already know that Tommy is a shameless attention whore and a certified c00n aspiring to be a low budget black Rush Limbaugh. He's not even worth the publicity.