Bruhs this ain't good, the key to beating Brady was pressure and now it looks like he found a way to handle it. My guess is that it's the schedule that makes it look like this but we won't know until maybe the playoffs..
it ain't nothing to do with the schedule breh. brady is just on a new level. he is 40 and he is better than ever before. we ain't seen anything like this.
only way is to beat brady is to keep him on the sideline. chew up clock and exploit pats D. pats D can be exploited. you can try hit him hard, and hit him often, but that won't matter much because eventually brady will figure out and find a solution.
don't fall behind and play 60 min. know your weakness because beli and brady will exploit your weakness - playing pats is more about knowing who you are as a team than anything else. 4
and never get cocky. don't give pats any reason to get mad. just play hard, don't make mistakes and hope pats have a bad day.
these are teams who poses biggest threat to the pats -
panthers - i honestly think cam and panthers poses the biggest threat to pats. pats always had trouble against mobile QB. i know pats lost to panthers early in the season. but this panthers has gotten better. they found their identity. they could do this again and beat pats 27-30 type of game.
eagles - they are 1 year away. honestly i'm not really buying the eagles. pats will drop 40 on them.
saints - they will exchange points, but eventually pats will figure them out. brady will exploit them over and over again.
vikings - if they had legit QB they would've had a great chance. but they aint beating tom brady
theoretically steelers should do well against the pats, but they are psychologically damaged against brady. brady hasn't thrown picks against them since 2006.
home field or no home field, brady will own them again.