Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove! (PC, Xbox One, Switch, PS4) (Created by a Black Game Developer)

May 10, 2012
Update #50

Jun 22 2016

Comin at Ya!

Hey gang! I seem to begin every update with an apology for how long it's been, so to save time I thought I'd just ask you to please feel in the appropriate apology here: ____________________! (Make it a good one!)

Before I get into our update of the game I'd like to humbly ask all you devoted TJ&E fans to go and support this other Kick Started project by my funky friend Chris. It's for a digital magazine devoted to old Sega-related games and in their very first issue they are going to have TJ&E: Back in the Groove on their cover (woohoo!) and have an in depth article with all kinds of exclusive new info about our new game! If you support them, say something in the comments of this post so I can send you my appreciation vibes.


Mega Visions Online Game Publication

OK, so the update...

We have a funding partner and we WILL be coming out on consoles but we can't say who or which ones or when just yet. In fact, we were going to post some video of the game, but our partner has asked us to wait on that so we can have a big reveal later. Still there is no shortage of cool things we can share with you... so lets begin!


Each character has their own stats. 3 characters are locked initially.


Level 0 is in the works and we're adding some extra surprises this time.


Peabo is a playable character for sure! He's trying on different power hats!


You win a new powerhat upon completing a game - you can put them on when you get out of the elevator.


Earthilngs talk to you now, and sometimes offer you things if they are friendly.


You can choose what you want to say back to them.


Earthlings also wave and say "hi" to each other.


You can even see them chatting on the level below.


Ranking up is a bigger deal now...


You get stat boosts from the spinner every time you rank up.


And you get prizes every time you collect a new ship piece!


Rocket skates send you flying over hills and edges.


Broken presents may or may not blow up on you. It depends on your present skill.


Earthlings aren't very smart. They think you're a sunflower.


Sunflower patches are all over. Just stand still in one to hide.


This present makes it a little tough to hide.


Sleep gas puts nearby Earthlings to sleep


When you sneak past sleeping Earthlings the camera zooms in.
May 10, 2012

When you walk on roads the camera zooms out. Toejam just got flattened here. Notice the damage bar - it appears when you take damage. Segway guy is trying to impress the Hula Girl.


Flo is going for a swim


The hyperfunk zone is different each game you play but consistent within a game.
The game of course comes with dynamic split screen for 2-4 players. We'll be showing screen shots of that the next time.

In other news... we have completed most of the music for the game. We currently have 13 new songs and 13 remakes of old songs. We will be releasing the music as a CD and a Vinyl record and digitally. You may have purchased the digital music or the CD already via Kick Starter. You will still be able to purchase these (at some point) as well as the vinyl. We'll probably have all of this available before the game releases. We'll send out an update to announce it. Here are a few more samples for you to enjoy! Old School Otis (New), Hyperfunk Zone (New), Theme Refunkified (remake from game 1)

Thanks for keepin' the faith. We're working hard to bring you the VERY best game that we can.

Stay funky ya'll!!!
May 10, 2012
Update #54

Feb 10 2017

ToeJam and Earl Music and Merch

Hi Gang,

Time to push the pause button on the development scramble and give all of you TJ&E supporters an update. While you read this, and look at the images, you might enjoy a little funky music from the game. I thought we were done with the music awhile ago, but a couple weeks ago I woke up from a crazy dream with a new funky song in my head. I sang the various parts to our insanely talented, soon to be mega-famous, bass player (and all around good-hearted guy) Cody Wright, and this is what he handed back to me. The song is called "Le Funky Duck" and it is now in the game and will be one of the 31 songs on the soundtrack.

Speaking of the music... many of you beloved backers have ordered digital copies of the game's music or the boxed set, which includes a CD. We decided to go ahead and make a vinyl album as well (so awesomely retro) and will be releasing the music in advance of the game so that you have something to keep you going and excited while you wait for your game to arrive. For those of you that haven't ordered any of the music, or want more in a different format, you will be able to get this from our online storefront that IndieBox is setting up for us. We'll announce all that once it's ready.

The vinyl record album is going to be a 2-record set, with music on 3 sides, and an awesome TJ&E etching on the 4th side. How cool is that? There is another surprise, but I can't tell you what it is, or it wouldn't be a surprise. Here is what the album cover, and cd cover look like... courtesy of our concept artist Nathan Shorts:


These are just rough mock-ups. (They look real don't they?)


This is the cover for the Record Album - (details may still change)


This is the cover for the CD. Notice it's simpler and will read better at a small size.
In regards to other TJ&E merchandise, most of what you could get as rewards will be available from the IndieBox store. We still have a few of the original KS figures to sell out but once those are gone the figures will come in different boxes, so that the KickStarter ones can remain limited as collector's items. Again, I'll send out another update when this is all up and ready.

Ok, lets see, what else.... what? The game? What game? ...OH!!!! riiiight.

Things are progressing well. We're currently most of the way through a big debugging push. We are trying to get to a point where we can live up to one of our promises and put a pre-release version of the game into our KS backer's hands and get some input and feedback. Not sure exactly when that will be ready, but it's not too far off, and we definitely haven't forgotten.

There is a lot I can say about what's new in the game, but that would make this a very long update, and at this point it might be better just to say - it's really coming together. We've added in a First-Time-Player Mode with a built in Tutorial with audio where we basically bribe players to listen to each one by dropping a buck on the ground after they do. Seems to work. We're such simple creatures. And we've added in a Super Hard Mode - which is exciting because it forces you to really make good use of your presents. We also added a Easy-Farty mode and Toddler mode for individual player characters. Easy-Farty mode is for non-gamer types who just need it a bit easier - but it does give your character gas. Toddler mode is for the little kid in the house who just wants to tag along but doesn't want to die. They get to wear a shiny crown too.

We've also been getting things started with a small but extremely capable networking and porting group - who will remain nameless for the moment. Man those guys make me feel really dumb. And it's not because they told me I was dumb either. They are ultra good at what they do, so our networking and porting is going to be rock solid. The build we send out for backer feedback will probably only have local play in it though, as we have a lot of work and debugging still ahead of us with the network code.

OK that's it for now gang. Thanks for being so incredibly patient. I don't think any game has a more considerate fan bass than this one. We're working hard to use all this time to make you the very best game we can. We want to make you proud.

Funkotron out!