So I don't speak for all black people.. so I'll take your word for it because you do.
I guess you've been involved with politics or have actually had conversations with people who aren't on message boards??
well, i guess if you look at young people or the internet.. or non voters.. I'm wrong. Lets look outside of ur extra liberal world for a sec. .
I kinda makes me a lil sick to even have to type this.... but some of the issues that we do polls and agree on with the dems - and some of the reasons we ended up sticking with them have been so counter productive for us , it makes us look silly.
affirmative action. We didn't even end up benefiting too much from it... and we received 10x the amount of shyt talk and stereotypes from it. Even today some hard working people are looked at sideways as if they didn't Earn their position fairly. I could see if the shyt would have worked. White women ate good from it however.
I don't agree w trickle down economics.. but it's a joke on us, because both parties subscribe to it... both parties are paid for by big corps and banks. The dems have nothing AT ALL for blacks. The speakers for the gop come off cacish.... but at the core of economic policy the self reliance stance is better for blacks in the long run. We will never be given anything of value.. and integration was just devastating for us(mindset) - so y not ignore all the social help and help ourselves.
we are poor over all. Some of us are doing ok. Because we are at the bottom.. we vote for regressive bottom shyt.
I personally focus on race a lot. But the bigger picture isn't that. The Dems have effectively played those cards so well that even if the GOP offered to give all black 40 acres with tax exemptions we would be turned off. Which is crazy cuz the dems are just as racist.. madd racist are in the party and madd racist vote dems in office.
You mention taxes for the rich, domestic policy, war, etc.. and don't realize that the dems have done all the same shyt except they've made our vote worthless in the process.. and took that voting power and replaced it with dependent policies.
IT's SICK that I started typed this message before you even typed yours because I knew what you were about to say.... nikkaS I tell u