A.J winning that title at bound for glory...and we going see Bubba and Brooke doing this to screw hogan and sting
We can only hope.
As we will get four tna versions of wwf attitude storyline characters.
That are better than what we got quality wise in the attitude era.
Who are not carried by mick or the rock.
As Brooke is definitely better than the awful trash that was Stephanie McMahon.
If you need how awful Steph is.
Compare her shyt slime copy angle to macho/ms madness/george, for starters.
Or just the entire gtfo my tv angles Steph got to have.
Bully and bobby roode as the much better triple ache.
Aces and eights better than the ministry, as well.
Hopefully bully, gets to double cross sting and give sting a nemesis in tna.
As sting needs a heel who out smarts him to be at his absolute bf best.
Instead of the respectful legend booking he typically has.
Plus, we get a payoff beatdown for sting somewhere down the road.
I also,...like the three D, plus five is filled with guys who can get beatup.
That you can be entertained by before they get beatup.
As even Bischoff's kid has shown pretty good work in a hidden capacity.
When he could be David flair before crowbar mixed with David otunga's workrate awful.
I look forward to this ppv.
I did not forget about it like extreme rules.
See ya later on worked fight fans,.....
Art Barr