Basically this.but most people know that a large amount of welfare recipients aren't taking the time to prepare their child properly for school and one day END the cycle of ignorance and poverty. If these parents are threatened with the possibility of loosing their benefits, i'll guarantee you that the grades of alot of these kids would dramatically improve.
I for one applaud out of the box thinking seen in ideas like this one.
It should be seen as an incentive, for the targeted people to do better. IMO, the gpa requirement should be at least at: 2.0 - 2.5. But cats in here are seriously fighting tooth and nail over defending a D- average.
Can any of the posters here, who received an influx D's and F's, over their academic tenure, please inform the-coli, how hard you worked towards those passing those courses.
After further review, stripping funds away from children does seem counterproductive, but I'd be all open ears, for a solution that rewards, students on government assistance, for keeping a somewhat respectable gpa 2.3+...