Waiting for the facts. He may have an exercise induced abnormal rhythm, abnormal heart structure (like Reggie Lewis and hank gathers) or ingested something illicit. Very strange for someone so young.
Remember Eddy Curry and his struggles also ...
Waiting for the facts. He may have an exercise induced abnormal rhythm, abnormal heart structure (like Reggie Lewis and hank gathers) or ingested something illicit. Very strange for someone so young.
Soccer players been collapsing for decades nowAthletes in general are being pushed to the limit today.
Goddam another player that had heart problemsRemember Eddy Curry and his struggles also ...
It could be, diet can also cause it too. He's way too young though.
Of the approximately one million heart attacks occurring every year in the U.S., only 14% are fatal. Of the estimated 356,000 cardiac arrests, nearly 90% are fatal.
I'm assuming you're referring to people coming in here and saying he should never play again
I understand reporters and everything, keeping the lie because money from Pfi. But these people? Wtf man? Even after everything is documented? Are they acting smart and refuse to accept it or it's ill will and they lie on purpose?You already know. People in here will tell you not to believe your lying eyes.