God Emperor of SOHH
So based on your logic, if you listen to rap then you don't have a moral standing... and can't speak on the social impact of certain words?
That's one of ur most ignorant statements.
you can speak on whatever you want, im just saying people that support saying nikka in a rap song dont really have a case against TMZ, in other words what's the difference between 'nikkas in paris' and 'my nikkas' and the TMZ poll?
people are dismissing the poll as racist, but imo that's emotional, if you use logic the tmz poll and the plethora of nikka in every rap song is the same thing
-people were calling each other nikkas before rap.... long before it... it's not under any banner. The Problem came when kids of 'other' blacks started saying it and when it became part of mainstream society.
why are you telling me something that ive been saying? it became part of the mainstream through rap music, and that is why i dont support rap music
- It's never been a term of endearment - ---- THATS some bullshyt that black and white liberals came up with to justify the ignorance of the urban communities.
specifically that is some shyt that rappers made up and people like suge knight, russell simmons and their white friends and again that is why i dont support rap music
- It's not youth culture. That's something else these fakkits came up with to generalize it. Old men say nikka non stop all the time in every city in the US. The youth are in the least likely in situations where saying nikka would affect their paper and livelihood + they speak more slang --- so young people might say it more.
i think you confused what i was saying, i was making those excuses sarcastically because those are the responses i use to get when i would write essays about the need to stop saying nikka, if you dont buy the 'term of endearment;', 'youth culture' or 'freedom of speech' then your beef is not with me, because i dont buy those excuses either
because he said 'instead' of AA... AA describes the ethnicity of a people... the word nikka never did that... AA describes every single black person in America. People should Not say nikka... but at least we can know how it's used.... -"that's some nikka shyt" is a phrase for a reason... Nobody is out here like... "what up doe my African America" It would take 15 years for me to explain it to ur suspect ass if u don't understand all ready.
Plus the fact that his jeww cac organization is putting out nikka polls is a problem. I guess u can say... everyone should stop saying it and all problems solved --- But thats bullshyt because if everyone stopped saying it then we still have all the problems in the hood... and people still would be dealing w nikka shyt my nikka
you sound schizo and deranged, from what i gather you dont think people should say nikka but you dont think it will solve anything
but if you dont think it will solve anything why should people stop saying nikka?
but for the record.. i didn't say it for years. but I never pushed that shyt on to anyone, it's a personal choice how u speak. We need to know that others can't define who we are. Sure the phrase has madd ignorance attached to it..... but in no way does it's use become the catalyst for all the other BS that blacks have to deal w.
then why do you have a problem with what suge said? what is wrong with him defining himself as a nikka? you are trying to push your views on suge? who are you to say nikka is ignorant?
my point is that of course you can have an emotional reaction to suge or TMZ, but that is just your emotions, nikka is said a million times a day by all types of people, its blasted all over rap music and some black people prefer to called nikkas, if you dont trip the million times nikka is said then you cant logically say there is something wrong with what TMZ did